Hi there, Mamas! Â Here’s a question for you: What is the most common chronic disease of childhood? Â
Some thoughts might be asthma, anemia, or now days, type 2 diabetes?

Actually, the most common chronic disease for kids aged 6-19 is… tooth decay. Â That’s right – cavities! Â I know that I don’t tend to think of “cavities” as a disease, per se, but if good oral health care habits aren’t established in childhood, it can lead to a lifetime of problems down the road.
We all know that teeth are so important! Â When we take care of them, they take care of us (by allowing us to chow down on some pretty delicious healthy foods)! Â Interestingly, a lot of the same principles apply when eating for healthy teeth and eating for general health and a healthy body weight.
L just had her first dentist appointment this week. Â I wasn’t really sure what to expect for a 20 month old. Â We took her to a pediatric dentist office, and couldn’t have been happier with our experience!
Everything was pretty straightforward – they got a medical history, went through her diet and oral care habits, and then the dentist counted her teeth and applied a fluoride treatment. Â (L wasn’t a fan of the counting part, but liked the grape flavor of the fluoride, so overall I’d say it was a win!) Â The hygienist told the dentist that she was impressed with our habits and that we were in “really good shape!” Â I won’t lie, it was a proud-Mama moment, for sure!

So, what were these habits, exactly?
The “habits” included things like:
- Brushing (of course). Â We’ll start with a freebie. Â From the time kids get their first tooth, it’s important to start brushing their teeth. Â This is one that we will have to work on. Â L’s dentist said that a common place that children get cavities is near the gum line because their lips often cover the very tops of their teeth. Â It’s important for parents to clean along the gum line for toddlers and younger kids until they can do it themselves.
- Using a bottle/cup overnight. Â Ever hear of “baby bottle cavities”? Â That’s the term used to describe cavities occurring in infants or toddlers. Â Often, a cause is sending baby to bed with a bottle or cup full of formula or milk (or any other drink besides water). Â While it might save Mama or Daddy a trip to baby’s room overnight for a feeding, it primes the mouth for decay by allowing carbohydrate (sugar) to rest on the teeth overnight. Â Also, if a child is reclining to drink, some of the beverage can pool in the mouth, so the total exposure time is longer than if a child were seated upright. Â Further, depending on the age of the child, it could be dangerous and pose a choking hazard.
- Types of drinks. Â We talked here about juice and how that can affect baby’s teeth and overall health. Â However, other drinks, including milk or formula, contain sugar, and therefore contribute to tooth decay. Â I was really surprised when the hygienist asked if we give L soda. Â Soda??!! Â She’s not even two years old yet!! Â (Please, do your child a favor and save the soda for when they are older – at least school age!)Â Â
- Timing of drinks. Â The frequency and total amount of time that someone sips on sugary drinks impacts the overall risk of cavities forming. Â Unless your child is eating, they shouldn’t be drinking anything but water. Â This limits the time that sugar is on the teeth. Â If your kiddo is sipping on milk or juice all throughout the day, several things can happen. Â First, they are constantly bathing their teeth in potentially-decay causing sugar. Â Second, they are getting calories that they’re not thinking about – essentially mindless munching in liquid form. Â Because their bodies know they’re getting energy, they might not be hungry at meals or might appear to be more picky when healthful mealtime food is offered. Â Neither one is good!
- Sweets/candy. Â This might seem obvious, but even some healthy-sounding snacks can wreak havoc on healthy teeth. Â Fruit snacks, for example, aren’t only sweet, but they are sticky, to boot! Â When foods are sticky, it’s harder to remove them from teeth, so there is a greater chance of tooth decay. Â A lot of fruit-flavored candies, as well as caramels, share this same stickiness. Â Do your kids a favor and offer them fruit if they’re craving a “fruit snack”!
So what are things we can do to help our kids eat for healthy teeth and overall good health?
- Start brushing as soon as the first tooth pops through, with extra attention to the gum lines.
- The only drink your child should take to bed (after teeth have been brushed) is water – when they are old enough to do so safely.
- Any type of beverage with sugar (which are most, besides water), can continue to bathe teeth in sugar. Â Keep non-water drinks (milk, juice, etc…) to meal times only.
- Only water should be consumed between meal and snacks.
- Offer fruit instead of fruit snacks. Â Not only will the fruit give your kiddos filling fiber and tons of nutrients, but most fruits aren’t sticky, so they won’t leave them with cavities as a keepsake. Â Looking for an indulgence? Â Try chocolate (sans the caramel) or low-fat fro yo (for an added calcium boost) for sweet taste without the stickiness.
- Of course, make sure your kids are getting enough calcium (found in dairy milk, fortified non-dairy milks, and green leafy vegetables) for strong teeth and bones.
- Be sure your kiddos see their dentist regularly!
What tips has your kids’ dentist given for a healthy smile?